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Tax office SMS message, is that possible?


Tax office SMS message, is that possible? We always stated that you never need to expect that to be true. Times have changed.

Tax office SMS message

The Dutch tax office introduced the SMS message. This message is now only used for entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs who failed to be in time with their Value Added Tax (VAT) return filing. The message is send from 08000543. You will be asked to file your VAT return as soon as possible.

Meeting up with the request in the SMS message will not prevent you from getting a penalty for being late. You are still late. A random penalty for not paying in time could be prevented.

Mijn Overheid email – whatsapp – SMS

You might have received a message. A message stating that EUR 970,95 is waiting for you. All you need to do is click on the link. Provide some personal details.

The moment you do that, you will be hacked. The Dutch tax office never pays out an amount behind the comma. It is either EUR 970 or EUR 971, but never EUR 970,95.

Regardless, if the internet criminals have updated their act with round numbers, you still do not click on the link provided.

MIjnOverheid is a domain you go to yourself. You log on and then you can see what document a Dutch Government organization has for you.

Chambers of Commerce identity confirmation

Another fishing message that goes around is about your identity needing to be confirmed. Silly message, as the Chambers of Commerce did exactly that when you registered. You cannot be blocked from the Chamber of Commerce.

Tax is exciting

We think tax is exciting. Our clients we offer to send any message they do not trust, so we can confirm or deny. It is understandable that it is not always clear. Also the MijnOverheid message I myself had to double check (by login in via normal portal) if any message was waiting for me. Obviously not.


Gouden Luca Prize 2024 - Exact Bookkeeping award!

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