Filing your own income tax return online is like the Dutch do. What if you encounter issues, what have you done wrong? Why can you not do the filing like the Dutch do?
Filing your own income tax return online
The Dutch tax office offers every Dutch tax resident to file the income tax return online. Online is easy and using your digital ID probably your Dutch income and bank balances are already in the tax return. You only need to push a button, or do you?
Filing an incorrect tax return
The Dutch tax office is clear in its communications. You are responsible for filing the Dutch tax return set ready for you by the Dutch tax office. That implies if you file the tax return without checking, the tax return can be incorrect. The Dutch tax office can act on that. A reply to the Dutch tax office that they created the tax return themselves, is not valid.

Filing the incorrect tax form
The Dutch tax return comes in flavors. We have the regular tax return. The nonresident tax return for foreign resident tax payers that own property or a Dutch BV company in the Netherlands. The entrepreneurs income tax return for Dutch tax residents with a Chamber of Commerce registered sole proprietorship company. A migration income tax return for individuals that arrived or left the Netherlands, migrated.
Common mistakes made
A common mistake made is a Dutch tax resident filing the online Dutch income tax return, but this person arrived during the tax year. That tax return, the M form, is not yet possible to file online by individuals. Professionals like us can file this form online. Then if the possibility is there to file this M form online in the near future, we still do not recommend you do. The M form need specific aspects to be addressed that are crucial for the outcome of the tax return.
Worldwide assets common mistake
Another common mistake is not to include the world wide assets. A Dutch tax resident is to provide his or her worldwide assets. This is only different if the so called 30% ruling applies.
The Dutch tax office has communications with 150 countries in the world that share their details about you. In international situations the Dutch tax office can go back 12 years to correct your income tax return.
Foreign property is in the Dutch tax return, but a double taxation relief is to be applied to avoid taxation. Tax treaties make that property is only taxed in the country where the property is situated.
Then we have the foreign build up pension values. If a true pension, this value is not part of the Box 3 wealth tax. Is your pension a true pension, that is also an important question. You might think it is based on the rules in that country. We have our own parameters to determine what is a pension build up.
Tax is exciting
We think tax is exciting. We have decades of experience in the house to assist you with your Dutch tax affairs. That implies we will be pleased to assist you with your income tax return filing. Our fee to file is as per July 1, 2022 EUR 410 incl VAT. That fee includes your tax partner, possible questions you have, checking the assessment. Appealing the assessment is included if not in line with the tax return filed for no obvious reason. Feel free to reach out to us for assistance.