2019 income tax return – exciting times! We are so excited we might be able to assist you again claiming back some tax.
2019 income tax return – who needs to file?
The Dutch tax residents that requested a refund for the house obviously need to file the 2019 income tax return. If you do not, you need to pay back the refund.
The Dutch tax residents that only have had 1 employer in 2019, no house, no assets, most likely are not invited to file and if they do file, the outcome of the tax return will be nil.
If you had two or more employer in 2019, most likely the Dutch tax office invites you to file to see if enough tax was withheld.
The Dutch tax residents that have assets exceeding EUR 30.360 a person and EUR 60.720 for a tax couple, are to file the Dutch income tax return and need to report the WORLD WIDE assets.
However, if you have the so called 30% ruling no assets need to be reported. That said, if you use the tax return the Dutch tax office set ready for you, the Dutch tax office automatically chose for you that you DO NEED to report your worldwide assets. So better not to use that possibility if you have the 30% ruling.

The Dutch tax residents that are registered as entrepreneurs with the Chamber of Commerce need to file a profit tax return.
The persons that arrived or left the Netherlands need to file a migration tax return. That said, those who are entitled to a refund are often not invited to file, best is to ask us to check if you can have money back (no charge). If you then can have a refund exceeding our fee of EUR 390 incl VAT, we recommend you to file.
2019 income tax return – what are our fees?
Our fees for the regular income tax return are EUR 390 incl VAT including your tax partner.
Our fees for the migration tax return are EUR 390 incl VAT including your tax partner.
Our fees for the entrepreneur income tax return are EUR 550 excluding VAT including your tax partner. We do assume either we already processed your administration or you provide a balance and profit and loss overview.
2019 income tax return – why use our paid service?
Indeed the Dutch tax office has set ready your 2019 Dutch tax return for free. You only need to push yes to file. The small print does state that you do need to check if what is included in the tax return is indeed correct. That the tax office does not take responsibility and if the income tax return turns out to be incorrect, penalties will be issued to you.
How wrong can they be? If you have a simple life with your family, employment and no assets, you can accept this tax return. Our clients have no simple life, they are internationals with at least bank accounts abroad, often property abroad, the Dutch tax office has not included in the income tax return. The penalty of not reporting the world wide assets correctly is 300% of the tax due.
Then again, most of our clients have the so called 30% ruling and that is not covered by the tax return set ready of the Dutch tax office.
Despite our claim we actually think about your tax return, we offer you a human being (us, excited tax advisors) to whom you can ask about, protest against, share your tax issues. We process a lot of tax returns and there is hardly any message that does not contains a question. Our core business is of course ‘I have a short question’ afraid we start the hourly rate. But short questions are part of the deal.
Then after the tax return is filed the tax office sends assessments which we are happy to receive and examine. Or the tax office sends an inquiring letter which we will be excited to process. Or the tax office denies you a tax aspect, which we will be glad to appeal.
Orange Tax – Tax is exciting!
We do think tax is exciting and we can hardly wait to start processing your income tax returns.
In order to be able to complete your 2019 personal income tax return, we would like to receive the following information:
- Your 2019 annual income statement from your employment;
- If applicable your 2019 annual mortgage statement;
- Study costs paid in 2019 exceeding the amount of € 250;
- The 2019 preliminary refund assessment received early 2019 or the actual refund amount received from the tax office per month, if possible, but very important.
- If you own more than € 30.360 (tax free amount) in world wide assets, please provide us with all bank balances, shares/bonds assets and real estate assets valued as per January 1, 2019. For tax partners the tax free amount totals € 60.720 instead of € 30.000. 30% ruling holders do not need to provide any of this information.
Please forward the collected information preferably in PDF per email to info@orangetax.nl or via regular mail to P.O. Box 75524, 1070 AM Amsterdam.
We would appreciate it very much if you would give us an explicit permission from a privacy point of view that we can process your details. This needs to be done for every tax return, so if you have completed this already last year, please do again this year. This permission you can grant via this link: https://www.orangetax.com/handling-agreement/
The rule of the tax office is: if filed before April 1, you receive the (refund) assessment before July 1. The regular deadline is May 1. If you meet this deadline instead of April 1, then you are still in time but it could take about a year before you receive a response from the Dutch tax office.
Our fee for the services of the filing of the personal income tax return is € 390,00 including VAT.