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Wage tax discount on product traded by your employer


In the event you work in a shop where they sell goods you like. For instance Prada, Gucci, Ipod, Samsung TV products. Then you can make a suggestion to your employer to purchase these at a discount. Let us refer to that as employee discount. The rule is that anything gained by employment is taxed, but in this case it can be tax free. How does this work?

On products you purchase from the company of your employer or from the group of companies of your employer you can have a wage tax discount. The discount cannot exceed 20% of the value of the goods with a maximum amount of EUR 500.

In case of Prada and Gucci EUR 500 might not be enough.

This can could be solved by additional regulation set: If you were employed with the company during the past two years and this tax free facility was not used during this period, then this years tax free amount is increased with the unused facility of the past two years. That implies 60% tax free allowance maxed at EUR 1.500.

That creates possibilities with respect to Prada and Gucci.


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