Self employed company charged hourly rate by owner – charge yourself
Self employed company charged hourly rate by owner. There is a reason why we think tax is exciting. We simply
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For deeper coverage of various Dutch tax topics, download one of our White Papers from the menu.
The Annual Income Statement (AIS) is a document stating your annual income, income tax deducted and any applied credits. Your employer will issue it early in the year after the year of the tax return.
Please also give details of benefits with the AIS from the UWV.
NB Salary slips are not the same as an AIS. If you cannot obtain your AIS, we can use your salary slips but these may not be accurate and may be updated by the figures given to the Tax Office by your employer.
If you have foreign income, send us the AIS for this if possible. Otherwise provide salary slips. We also need to know if the work was performed abroad or remotely from NL.