Keizersgracht 62

1016 CS Amsterdam

+31 (0)20 520 7991

Lines close at 4pm

Mon-Fri: 9am - 5pm

Our office hours


Tax is exciting - complaints less so

We feel very sorry that you have a complaint about our services. For this purpose, we have a central contact person who you can talk to about your complaint.

However, before you actually complete the complaint form below, may we invite you to explain in your own words how exactly you think your case was incorrectly handled by the OrangeTax colleague who assisted you.

Sometimes it is not so much a mistake made but maybe a situation that was not explained well enough.

That said, if you prefer not to have contact with the person concerned, please do complete the form.

The procedure is then that our central complaints contact person will review your message, contact the OrangeTax colleague who assisted you and then reply back to you.

Before filling in the form, please also see our Privacy page for more on how carefully we handle our clients’ data.

(All fields in the form below are required*)

    Your complaint

    Your Annual Income Statement (jaaropgaaf)

    The Annual Income Statement (AIS) is a document stating your annual income, income tax deducted and any applied credits. Your employer will issue it early in the year after the year of the tax return.

    Please also give details of benefits with the AIS from the UWV.

    NB Salary slips are not the same as an AIS. If you cannot obtain your AIS, we can use your salary slips but these may not be accurate and may be updated by the figures given to the Tax Office by your employer.

    If you have foreign income, send us the AIS for this if possible. Otherwise provide salary slips. We also need to know if the work was performed abroad or remotely from NL.